Hello Friends,Do you have an hour to spare sometime over the next 5 months to spend with a friend.
Come with me and visit all of New York City!!
As some of you have already heard from my recent and near constant ramblings, i am leaving New York. Not to worry, it won't be that soon. I will probably leave in late winter or early spring. My lease is up at the end of March...so it will probably be then?
Before you ask, I do not know where I am moving...or what i will do when i get there. Maybe I’ll start a radical trainers collective in Vancouver or become a school teacher in Thailand, or maybe I’ll find that job as a hammock tester in Hawaii. What I do know is that after 14 years in New York spent in 33 different apartments and a few random park benches, spread over 4 boroughs...I am ready to leave this most excellent city. It is not out of hate or frustration (maybe a little frustration) but out of a desire to see new things and force myself to think from a different platform. Each time I have travelled these past few years, I find myself exuberantly happy when I am out of NYC and equally as disappointed once I come back.
I will miss this great city and I will miss my wonderful friends...so this is what I want to do over the next 5-6 months:
I will spend every moment I can visiting everything I wish to see in New York. Most I have already seen but some I have not. Everyday that I can (probably 4 or 5 times a week) I will spend visiting somewhere new… maybe a park or a landmark or some music performance or a political event. And at least once a day I will walk into a place that I have not been before just to see it.
I want to remember why I love it here and I want to always remember not just the Central Parks, Lincoln Centers and Brooklyn Bridges...but the little landmarks that few talk about. I want to see where the gallows hung in lower Manhattan after early social upheaval in the 5 points; I want to visit the place where I first paid $10 for a bag of fish food I thought was weed, and I want to see where William S. Burroughs rolled the 65 year old woman to score some smack...and I want to do all these things with you!!!
I want to spend 5 months with friends saying farewell to New York.
I'm sure you all have some place you always wanted to go, but couldn't find the time or didn't have anyone to go with. Tell me...I’m there. Life in New York for me has been a special one spent with many different types of people, most of whom I have lost touch with. But wherever I have been, it has been better because I have had great people to spend it with. So maybe now is the time to:
See the sunrise from a New York Beach.
Go to your first opera.
Bath in the fountain in City Hall.
Photograph the Graffiti in the Staten Island Ferry Bathroom.
Visit All the precincts you've been arrested in (for some, this may take a few days)
Finally organize a 5 borough minigolf outing.
This may be a corny idea but at this very moment I am excited about it, and for the past few years there has been very little that some of you, myself included, have been genuinely excited about.
We all have very important things going on in our lives. This is not a replacement for the things you and we are doing, but rather an enhancement in the way that we do them.
If this all sounds stupid, please ignore it. If you have an idea of a place to go or something fun to do...please share. Some of you are not from NYC or aren't Living here now. Cool, if you visit, give me a holla and I’d be glad to be your guide for a few days.
In Anycase, I am starting this blog to document where I go in my long farewell to New York.
and putting up the photos on my flickr page:
much love,
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