Wednesday, September 26, 2007

My Tour Is One Month Old!

I announced a month ago today to the world...and by world, i mean about 70 of my friends and family...that I am leaving NY. And to prepare myself for my departure, I would embark on a multi-month Farewell Tour of my city to see as much of it as I could and with as many people as would go with me before i leave.

This exercise is very Buddhist in its spirit. I am trying to look straight ahead at my path and follow it one step at a time. But maybe now is a good time to take a rest on this path...sit on a rock and reflect on whats happened so far.

  • I have eaten at 5 restaurants that claim to have the best pizza in New York (and the world).
  • I have explored the waterfront of half of Manhattan and almost all of Brooklyn.
  • I've seen 15 sunsets...over water!
  • I climbed down a manhole!
  • Sat in over 3 dozen city parks including one built 70 feet in the air on top of a sewage treatment plant.
  • Walked across the Manhattan, Brooklyn and Williamsburg Bridges.
  • Taken a few thousand pictures.
  • Rediscovered NYC street art.
  • Biked over 300 miles this least! (maybe i should start counting)
  • Seen music in central park.
  • Accidentally broke the taxi strike.
  • Forgot that I have a TV at home!

So...whats next for my tour? I haven't seen too many museums over the last 5 years, i haven't eaten in many restaurants at all in my NYC life. I was never at the top of the Empire State, Crystler or Woolworth Building. I never went to Ellis Island. And I have never circumnavigated Roosevelt Island. Perhaps I will do these things soon.

For now, while the weather is good and my bike holds up, (its a little injured now) i want to do more of the "explore as much of the city as I can do by bike" thing. I have the hope of being able to cover ALL of the waterfront in all 5 boroughs. So far, so good.

I did go on a journey to Queens today...but that's for next time.

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